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Commuter Program: July 7 - July 25, 2025 

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Academic Connections courses are selected to represent some of the most exciting fields of research UC San Diego has to offer in the physical and social sciences, engineering, and arts and humanities. All courses are challenging and place emphasis on active learning and putting knowledge to use in independent and creative ways. 

Experience has proven the most productive classrooms are characterized by:

  • Selecting motivated students
  • Encouraging active student participation
  • Setting high expectations for student performance
  • Ensuring low student/instructor ratios
  • Hiring faculty who are well versed in their fields
  • Allowing flexible instruction

Students are encouraged to carefully review the complete course description section prior to selecting the one course they will study for the three-week session. Some courses have prerequisites. It's the student's responsibility to meet the prerequisite requirement.

As you consider each of the courses, ask yourself these three questions:

  • Am I eligible (prepared) to take this course?
  • Does this course fit into my academic interest?
  • Have I fulfilled the prerequisite for the course?

Each student that completes the program can earn 7.5 units of UC San Diego Extended Studies pre-college credit. An unofficial transcript will be available to each student at the end of the program on-line through their MyExtension account and official transcripts available to send for college applications for an additional fee. Although some colleges will accept appropriate UC San Diego Extended Studies pre-college credits, the decision to accept the transfer of credits rests solely with the college you attend.